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How to cure a hangover!

Hey All,

Now after trying some of those summer cocktail recipes below, or even after a big night out of drinking. A lot of us are cursed with that forever pounding, painful and irritating headache. We start feeling poorly and sorry for ourselves :(.

WELL! Have I got news for you, I have found the CURE! The cure, to that much hated hangover!

To insure it works you need to follow the below five steps:

  1. An hour before you know you’re going to stop drinking, drink water! This will hydrate you.
  2. Eat a slice of toast when you get in.
  3. Drink a glass of water, with Berroca (Vitamin supplement) when you get home.
  4. In the morning drink a glass of orange juice
  5. If you’re not feeling better by now, then take the last resort…….”Paracetamol”

Remember though, that hangovers are caused by the excessive consumption of alcohol, so if your hangover is unbearable, remember that for the future, and cut down on the booze 🙂


Michaela & SGO


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Summertime Cocktails

Hey All,

Jess wrote a post last week about her favourite refreshing drinks, but this week we thought we would let you know about some tasty summer cocktails that have a little bit of a KICK to it. Summer is nearly over, so why not spruce it up a bit before we have to wait another year for a nice summers day!

These cocktails are predominantly made with alcohol, but you can remove the alcohol and have it as a mocktail instead 🙂 .

As a student I think myself and other students can admit, we can go a bit heavy on the drinking, but please drink responsible and know your limits. You can even download an app that shows you how much units and Vol is in the alcohol you are drinking. Please see link attached: https://www.drinkaware.co.uk/

So here are my top three summer cocktails:

At number 3 is: Orange splash

This calls upon all us citrus lovers, it’s sweet and tangy and because it is made with fresh orange juice, it makes you feel healthy too 🙂

All you need is:

  1. Fresh orange juice
  2. Lime
  3. Cut up a few strawberry’s
  4. Vodka
  5. Cointreau

Then mix it all together 🙂

Number 2 is: Cuban

Ahh the good old Cuban, forget about British weather, Cuban is a little taste of the Caribbean.

All you need is:

  1. Lime
  2. Barcardi rum (Cheaper versions are okay)
  3. 6 whole mint leaves
  4. Ice
  5. Coca cola, I sometimes have lemonade J

The mix it all together 🙂

Number 1: My all-time favourite (The classic) “Pimms”

  1. Pimms (depending on how strong you want it, use a shot class)
  2. 2 shots of Pimms
  3. Chopped strawberry pieces
  4. Chopped cucumber pieces
  5. Orange slices
  6. Mint leaves
  7. Lemonade

Then mix all together 🙂

Why not Try the elderflower pimms as well, it is sweet, perfect for summer and is great for social gatherings and BBQ’s.

Enjoy! But remember drink responsibly and be safe!

Also let us know what your favourite summer cocktails are? Or if you liked some of the recipes you have read on the blog today.


Michaela & SGO.


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Homemade Beauty Tips


It’s the peak of summertime now! And if you’re like me, not only are you trying to get that perfect beach body, but you want to look and feel good too. So why not try out some handy homemade beauty tips. Firstly you can help your skin and your completion so much just by the following 5 steps:

  1. Drink lots of water – drinking 8 glasses of water a day, not only helps hydrate you but it can relieve you from fatigue, which is what can make our faces look dull and tired. Did you know it can also help your face stay fresh and acne free.
  2. A good night’s sleep – Having a horrible sleep can make you look tired and irritable. It also causes dark circles under our eyes. Going to bed at a regular time helps your beauty sleep, giving your skin time to repair itself. 7-8 hours is the recommended sleeping time that is needed to stay healthy and keep your skin stay healthy too!
  3. Exfoliating your skin – Exfoliating insures you remove all those dead and dry skin cells that builds up on our skin, making us appear tired. You don’t need to go out and buy the expensive exfoliating scrubs, try making your own. I have used an Oatmeal exfoliating scrub, and it makes my skin feel silky smooth J Check out how to make it below.
  4. Remove your makeup before bed– It is very important we give our skin a chance to breathe, so removing any makeup before bed is vital to our skins health. Homemade makeup removal can be used and great for your skin too. Check out how to make it below.
  5. Exercise: Not only is exercising good for our health and help you get that beautiful beach body, it helps increase blood circulation, which boosts the health of your skin. It is also a great stress relieve.


Exfoliating face mask.

Oats and lemon face mask:

Things you will need:

  • 1 tbsp. of oats; cooked and mashed (helps reduce inflammation and heals the skin).
  • 1 tbsp. of lemon juice (lemon helps lighten the skin tone).
  • If you have sensitive skin, you can dilute the lemon juice with water.



  • Mix the above ingredients and apply on the face by massaging into the skin.
  • Let it dry for 20 minutes.
  • Wash and pat dry.



Make up remover

If you don’t want to make your own makeup remover, insure it is a water based cleanser.

For homemade ones the best is virgin olive oil. It removes eye and face makeup.


  • Blend half cup of virgin olive oil and castor oil.
  • Apply it on your face and gently massage. Use the oil to remove all the eye makeup gently.
  • Now dip the washcloth in warm water and wring out the excess moisture.
  • Place it on your face and keep it for a minute and then wipe out the excess oil.
  • This simple oil cleansing routine will remove all impurities.


I hope these homemade beauty tips helps you feel refreshed! Any feedback would be great, even send in some photos through twitter using #studentgoffice J



Michaela and SGO

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D.I.Y Mugs

Okay so let’s admit it, everyone has a cupboard full of mugs – and hardly any of them get used right?

D.I.Y mugs are an innovative, personal and creative way to revamp them old mugs and give them a new lease of life; or, use this handy tutorial to create a budget-friendly present (though obviously we’d recommend you buy a cheap, plain mug if that’s the case).


What you’ll need:

–          A mug

–          Sharpie pens/paint pens (any colours – preferably oil-based)

–          Access to an oven


Step 1: Get a mug. If you don’t have an old/un-used mug at home, you can pick them up for next-to-nothing in any local supermarket.

Step 2: Pick a Sharpie. I’d like to point out that normal permanent marker pens are okay to use, although from previous experiences, it’s more likely that they will rub off. Paint pens or oil-based Sharpie pens are more suitable: these can be bought from major supermarkets, craft shops or online stores such as Amazon.co.uk.

Step 3: Get Creative. Simply draw, scribble and write to your hearts content onto the mug – either in one, or multiple colours, depending on how colourful you’re feeling (and your budget)! If you aren’t happy with the design, just use some water, scrub it off and start again.

Step 4: Bake It. Pre-heat the oven to 180 degrees, and leave the mug to bake for 30 minutes.


Here’s one that Jess has made at home (REMEMBER: Be creative! Do any design, personalisation you want):


*Tip: A little #toptip we’ve realised is to hand-wash the mugs, although it may be tempting DO NOT USE THE DISH-WASHER!






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Chelsea McMurray, Jessica Chamberlain & Michaela McDonnell-Barbara